Thursday, May 14, 2009

Twitter as seen through the eyes of B3TA users

I love their image challenges. Always creative, always irreverend and never ever appropriate, the latest round of images from B3TA users really made me laugh.

Apologies for any offence, etc...

Before there was twitter:

Image shows three panels, one, someone writing in a pen in little boxes on a piece of paper with the words No more than 140 letters please; two, it being strapped to a pigeon in a twitter branded container and then three, a lot of pigeons in the air
from Zac Flimby

image shows marcel marceau's twitter page which is, strangely, silent...
From Virulent


image shows account of Dennis Nedry from Jurassic Park, who has been spit in the eye by a dinosaur...
From drboon

This is awful...

Anne Frank's twitter page - her last tweet is is that footsteps?
from Squid Ink

Possibly just as bad:

Stephen Hawkins' twitter, reading 8008135 and 00734
From Clagnut

Well if that's what you're doing...

It's the twitter stream for the Hokey Cokey - tweets include putting my left leg in, putting my left leg out and shaking it all about
From M3essential (with a nod to this sketch...)


Someone has quit cigarettes - tweets include it's now 4 hours and 37 minutes since my last cigarette. I'm starting to sweat.
From Puromycin

This is Eminem's Stan talking with @Eminem using the lyrics of the song
From Half of Stephen Fry's left buttock

And my personal favourite, Splitter...

based on the Splitter scene in Monty Python's Life of Brian, this is using the dialogue from Reg I'm not oppressing you Stan, You haven't got a womb to Eric Idle's character saying I want you to call me Loretta