Friday, February 06, 2009

Here, did you know that oul' Paddy could speak Chinese?

It's my favourite ever Irish short film and it's now on You Tube. Daniel O' Hara's Yu Ming is Ainm Dom

I'm in a video frame of mind today.


  1. I've told this as a joke about a dozen times, but have never seen the video before. Brilliant :)

  2. excellent. Now I am embarrassed for not learning a bit of irish, but I am only australian!

  3. I love this, I have it on an old Jamesons Film Festival DVD.

  4. I love this film - good to see it on youtube!

  5. My first time to see it, but wow, fantastic!

  6. Is é seo an ghearrscannán ab fhearr liom. Ceapaim go raibh sé sa tríu bliain nuair a chuir ma mhuinteoir Gaeilge é seo ar súil dúinn.

    Cuireann sé fíor brónach in aghaidh dúinn - is fíor nach labhraíodhtar an Gaeilge anseo ach an oiread, agus freisin tá sé deacair é a lorg fiú sna réigiúní Gaeltachta...

    Ach fós, is scannán iontach é :)

  7. LOVE this. Thanks for much for finding it and posting!

  8. Lovely film.

    Being a Dane I find it hard to hear the difference between Irish and the English that is spoken at the West coast.

    Good I am staying in the South East :-)

  9. Ar fheabhas. Sar-mhaith.
