Monday, October 06, 2008

Monday cheerlinking

Links worth cheering (very late this Monday).

Isn't this photo amazing? Found over on the delightful Panti's blog-job. It's become a place I visit daily. I also liked this post.

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Help raise €20,000 for Age Action Ireland by joining the Innocent Drinks big knit. Patterns are here. Stitchlily has crocheted lovely baseball caps.

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You want chocolate? Jen has chocolate! Welcome back after the break.

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Did you know that Africa has a population of 800 million, making up 13% of the human race? More facts and fantastic photos here. They're seriously amazing.

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Could you write 40 words (no more, no less) about 365 people you know? It's an intriguing and challenging concept.

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Do you reckon she's a bit excited about the holiday?

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Cheery blog post title of the week: "Hello there and welcome to a bit of optimism."

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Three years and four weeks old and already getting homework. Actually, already asking for homework. Those circles are difficult!

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Raptureponies found unique photos of Dublin and shared.

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It's not often you get reminded of one of your favourite quotes by a sheep called Betty.

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Paddy continues to educate: photos without flash.

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Brian reminded me this week how much I miss Zig and Zag from the telly. The sketch reminded me of Ben's POS.

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The very best of luck to Graham and all those involved in the premiere of new Irish film, Anton the Movie this Friday at Dundrum. I look forward to seeing it.

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Attract tits and other songbirds. I laughed at this, a lot.

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Finally, thanks to the - The Gospel according to Sex and the City anyone?

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Cheerlinking - cheerleading without the pompoms! :o)

As always, if there's any other links worth cheering that you've spotted out there, please do share :)


  1. I love the two photo links, earth ones & Dublin.

    Oh my God the earth ones are fantastic, love them all!

  2. me too i love the photo links. dont know if i know 365 people could be interesting challenge

  3. Cheers for the link :-)

    I'm intrigued by the idea of 40 words each for 365 people... It would be an interesting word exercise to try out. With plenty of chocolate on hand, of course...
