Friday, February 06, 2009

Sam Shepard's Ages of the Moon coming to the Abbey Theatre

David from Dublin's Abbey Theatre was in touch to let me know about the new Sam Shepard play, Ages of the Moon which has its world premiere in March.

Written especially for leads Seán McGinley and Oscar-nominated Stephen Rea, this is:
"a gruffly poignant and darkly funny play. Byron and Ames are old friends, re-united by mutual desperation. Over whiskey on a hot summer’s night, they sit, reflect and bicker until fifty years of love, friendship and rivalry are put to the test at the barrel of a gun."
Sam Shepard is a Pulizer prize-winning US writer, director and actor. His 2007 play, Kicking A Dead Horse premiered in the Abbey. It was written by Shepard for Stephen Rea, and then went on to tour to New York and London. Ages of the Moon follows the Abbey's other sell-out productions of Shepard's Fool for Love (2008) and True West (2006)

Fiach Mac Congail, Jimmy Fay, Sean McGinley and Stephen Rea were interviewed in a short video about the play:

The play opens Tuesday 3 March, with previews February 24 to 28 and March 2 and it runs to April 4. Booking is now open on Dublin 01 87 87 222 or via

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