Friday, March 20, 2009

Harry's lost his lost kitten poster

Harry seems to be getting around the city... This was on George's Street on Wednesday:

poster stuck to a pole on George's Street reading (all in caps) Have lost my *lost kitten* poster. It was stuck to this pole about a week ago. Have you seen it? It it exactly the same size as A4 paper, is made of white paper and has a picture of a kitten and the words *lost kitten* on it. If you have my poster, meet me here on Sunday at 5.30pm. No photocopies. I can offer you a lift on my bike wherever you want to go after you've given me the poster. - Harry. On it in crayon as well is written you have stolen my name return it to

If you can't make it out, it reads: Have lost my *lost kitten* poster. It was stuck to this pole about a week ago. Have you seen it? It it exactly the same size as A4 paper, is made of white paper and has a picture of a kitten and the words *lost kitten* on it. If you have my poster, meet me here on Sunday at 5.30pm. No photocopies. I can offer you a lift on my bike wherever you want to go after you've given me the poster. - Harry

The red lemonade girls have been poster spotting too. Jack and Marian, eh?


  1. That's brilliant.

  2. Sounds a bit 'Craig from Melbourne' to me.
